History of ILMCC
International Law Moot Court Community ["ILMCC"] is a consolidation between International Law Student Society ["ILSS"] and Moot Court Community ["MCC"] in April 2010.

International Law Student Society
ILSS was created in 2006 by Universitas Pelita Harapan students who majored in International law. The 1st President of ILSS was Peggy Margareth Katuuk.
President of ILSS
2006: Peggy Margareth Katuuk
2007: Wiku Anindito
2008: Priscilla Halim
2009: Veronica Koman
Moot Court Community
MCC was created in 2007 by Michelle Engel Limenta (At that time, a lecturer of UPH) and James Losari. James Losari became the first General Director of MCC for 2007. In 2008 - 2009, the title of General Director was with Johan Kurnia.

International Law Moot Court Community
In 2010, MCC merged with ILSS and become what we know now as International Law Moot Court Community ("ILMCC").
General and Vice Director of ILMCC
2008: James Losari
2009: Johan Kurnia
2010: Sianti Chandra
2011: Mohammad Irham, Dirga Putra
2012: Michael August Nugraha
2013: Jessica V. Marpaung, Dinna Margaretha
2014: Astrid Desmonda
2015: Natasha U. Situmeang
2016: Rica Dharma, Selig Purnama
2017: Indira Kantiana, Hanna Yovita
2018: Tiffany R. Jonan, Agnes Guntara
2019: Laras Kusumo, Olivia Karlina
2020: Louisa Mononotu
2021: Clement A. Djuli - William Chindrawa
2022: Andrew Daniel Djapri - Fidelia Evangelyn Abigail
2023: Jennifer Junardi Chua - Imelda Jo Anastasya
“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”